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Public Building Commission Minutes 5/12/2010
South Windsor Public Building Commission
Minutes - Regular Meeting – May 12, 2010

Present:  Chairman Fitts, Members:  Jeski, Neary, O’Connell, and Wilson.

Also present:  Construction Manager Bob Dwyer, Architect Brian Humes, Architect Anwar Hossain, Dennis Sheridan, and Dave Luchini from LMG Consulting Engineers, Inc.

Chairman Fitts called the meeting to order at 6:35 pm in the Directors’ Conference Room in the South Windsor Public Library.  A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes of the March 10 and April 14 meetings.  Approved unanimously.

Communications and Correspondence


New Fire House #3 and Ambulance Facility

Construction Manager Dwyer reported on construction progress.  Attached is the Construction Manager’s Monthly Report.  In addition, the Owners Change Order Log was reviewed.  All change orders from the April 10 no-quorum-meeting and current items were approved except # 041 which requires discussions with the Town regarding a manhole/sewer installation in the middle of West Road.  There are notes on the attached CM Report.

Chairman Fitts had shared the latest financial report furnished by the Town Finance Department with the CM who expressed concern that several items do not match with project understanding of amounts to be borne by the project.  Even the $8.4 million referendum approval shows as $8,270,000.   Those kinds of “adjustments” may cause the project to exceed its budget.  A copy of the CM’s tabulation is attached – two pages, fit together at the line.

There was discussion of the activities and billings from the testing company.  The listings prepared by the CM and Chairman Fitts have not generated a response from the testing company, and several recent invoices are unpaid awaiting a response

Chief Crombie was away on vacation, but CM Dwyer indicated answers from the Chief are needed on a number of items before lack of answers begins to delay contractor activities.

Chairman Fitts indicated that the BVH Integrated Services contract has been signed.

The issue of plantings along the northern boundary of the site to screen “backyard” activities from Sullivan Avenue view was raised again, with an additional suggestion that some fencing might provide appropriate privacy.  The preferences of the Fire Department are needed.

After some discussion it was agreed to have a Friday afternoon 4 pm walk-thru meeting of project people, including PBC members, on the site.  Date to be announced.

Community Center Expansion for More Senior Space

Architect Hossain began the meeting showing an updated set of plans, both design from his office and MEP from LMG Consulting Engineers.  The progress was very impressive and sensitive to energy efficiency and the latest in heating/cooling and lighting.  A set of plans was given to Dennis Sheridan to use in his discussions with the Senior’s group.  A list of interior needs is being developed by Senior Center staff.

Architect Hossain has been meeting with Town staff and Town agencies to get clearance and approvals needed before we get to any construction.  Design Review Committee is scheduled for May 20.

Test borings are needed and the PBC has received two quotations from Clarence Welti and SITE, Inc.  It was agreed to wait until the project was closer to construction activity, primarily to preserve our meager funds.

The PBC has heard no more from earlier suggestions that a letter of agreement between the Town Manager and southerly neighbor Windemere be executed to clear up any confusion over the property line that had never been properly documented in Town records.  While this is not a hot issue, this quiet time would seem to be ideal to resolve it, but that appears to be a Town Manager-Town Attorney matter.

Regarding funding for the building, the PBC understands that some applications have been submitted by the Town, but the cost of this project may require more funding than a few modest grants can provide.  The Town Manager has contracted with a consultant experienced in applications of this type.

Payment of Invoices

Presented for payment were one Application for Payment and one architect’s invoice.  A motion was made for approval, was seconded, and both were unanimously approved and are recommended for payment, and are listed below.
Application for Payment # 018 for the period ending 4-30-10 totaling $400,734.59 from Cutter Enterprises, LLC for costs associated with construction management for the Fire Station # 3 Replacement Project.
Invoice No. 10076 dated 4-16-10 totaling $9,100 from Jacunski Humes Architects, LLC for architectural activities associated with the Fire Station # 3 Replacement Project.

There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm.

The next regular PBC meeting is scheduled for Wednesday June 9, 2010, starting at 6:30 pm in the Directors’ Room on the lower level of the South Windsor Public Library.

                                                        Respectfully submitted,
H. E. Fitts, Temporary Secretary